Rivers Roads Deserts Storms is now streaming worldwide on all major platforms. Have a listen and connect to all streaming and social media links via Victor's hearnow,com link provided below

Victor's latest album is now available on bandcamp. Rivers Roads Deserts Storms features nine new songs written during the pandemic and recorded at his home project studio freeflying sound. Check out the remastered version of The Bloody Light available as a single. The album's lyric content is compelling and driven with a hard hitting and passionate take on the challenges of our time with full blown production and fingerstyle folk n blues woven into the stories of the many roads and miles travelled in Victor's personal journey.
Buy Download Stream https://victornesrallah.bandcamp.com/album/rivers-roads-deserts-storms
Victor's collaborative efforts with musical compatriot Danny Artuso is drawing praises with the announcement of their selection to showcase Saturday June 18/2022 at the prestigious Blues Summit 10 in Toronto Canada where members of the blues community from Canada , the U.S. and Europe gather to honour outstanding Canadian achievement in the Blues culminating with the 2022 Maple Blues Awards. Having recently appeared in front of a full house at the Atomic Rooster In Ottawa May 8 showcasing their two abums WearIng The Blues and Blues Comes Easy and forthcoming Album reaese at Irenes in Ottawa the road ahead looks promising for the Nesrallah Artuso Project.

Victor Nesrallah and Danny Artuso just released their latest collaborative effort Blues Comes Easy , the follow up to the widely acclaimed "Wearing The Blues"
Fans and lovers of the timeless tradition of the Blues "can check out their latest offering available on bandcamp for purchase download or streaming
Buy the album , download or stream tracks at https://nesrallahartusoproject.bandcamp.com/album/blues-comes-easy.
Stay tuned for more news.
Victor will be performing solo at the Ottawa Grassroots Virtual Festival Stage A @ Saturday April 24 430 pm and Sunday Stage A 230pm Blues virtual song circle with Vince Halfhide and Ian Tamblyn . Tickets and info available at ottawagrassrootsfestival.com

Isolation Blues wriiten by Victor Nesrallah has recently been selected as a semi finalist in the International Song Contest Out of a total of 26,000 entries only 9% make it to the semi finals in a broad range of categories. The song Isolation Blues was judged on creativity, originality, melody.arrangement and lyrical content. Production value and recording quality are not criteria in voting. Stay tuned for announcements .
Worried Blues ISC semifinalist 2022
The Nesrallah Artuso Project have released a new video WearIng the Blues ,the title track from the album of the same name. The video was produced by Ottawa's Lynne Hanson who also sang vocals with Victor on the song. The spirit of the tune was cleverly brought to life using vintage cartoon animation footage. Big shout out to Lynne !! . Check out the video

Friday March 19th 700pm - 800pm Sponsored by the Ottawa Gatineau Musicicians Association Local 180 AFof M through the Music Performance Trust Fund . Victor will be performing with Keith Snider on Violin and Banjo.
Viewers can enjjoy this free live streaming virtual event. Purchase Victor's music from the music and store page on this website or support the artist and donate directly via paypal.me/freeflyingmusic
Music available for streaming , download on all major platforms .